While GripWorks is known for its ability to manufacture foam and plastic hand grips in a virtually unlimited combination of sizes, shapes, colors and materials, we also offer lines of stock hand grips that can be ordered in smaller quantities and are available for immediate shipment. Choose hand grip styles from vinyl grips or foam grips, dip molded, injection molded or foam extruded varieties. Explore the varied materials for our hand grips below, including vinyl grips, such as Softex featuring a textured surface, and VynaFoam, a vinyl material with a foam-like feel to the hand. View the assorted styles, including vinyl flat grips, a different type of hand grip, more like a handle grip, often used with ball valves.
Round Grips
While it may seem like all hand grips are round, and perhaps the majority are indeed round, the fact is not all round grips are alike. The obvious difference, as shown in images below, is the look of a hand grip, but the finish - textured, shiny or ribbed - all tell a different story and serve different purposes. Touch and feel are of utmost importance in a hand grip. Before ordering, samples are free and you can test for feel, comfort, strength and fit. Many sizes and styles are sold in our ecommerce store.
Contoured Grips
By definition, these hand grips are uniquely molded or designed with marked lines. The images present a clear concept and several are easily recognized as commonly used on bicycles. Other popular uses for these specially designed hand grips are outdoor power equipment and garden tools. Some styles yield greater comfort, but still match durability of the others. Many of these are stocked and for sale in our e-commerce store. Samples are free so you can test for fit and feel.
Foam Grips, Tubes & Wrap
Foam grips are made from rubber materials and foam or rubber hand grips provide a cushion-like comfort to the hand as it wraps around the grip. As shown in the image of our smooth foam tubes, there is a smooth finish to foam tubes and grips, but additional process can produce different effects. A simple, straight tube or hand grip can be processed through a secondary step that rounds off the ends, referred to as radiused ends. Additionally, other processes strip or buff off the outer skin leaving a sponge-like appearance. Many of our foam hand grips are sold in our commerce store in this form. Request samples - they're free!
Flat Grips
GripWorks has a long history of producing the flat grip, or handle grip, often used with ball valves. These typically thin, rectangular shaped flat handle grips vary in diameters and lengths. Many sizes are stocked and can be purchased from our ecommerce store. Frequently used to provide comfort for a hand gripping a hard, cold flat bar handle or lever on hand tools. Spruce up the ordinary flat grip with logos, slogans or even safety information printed directly on the flat hand grip, an option available from GripWorks. Grips, or handle grips, are available in standard colors, or custom colors can be arranged upon request.